Endorsement Application System (EASy)

Before you start your application for Endorsement, you need to be a member of AAIMH WA and register using the Endorsement Application System (EASy).
Not an AAIMH WA member? Join us!
Two steps to registration:
1. Make sure you have:
read 'Steps to Endorsement' to guide you
through the process, and
- selected the relevant endorsement category for you.
2. Register to start your application to become endorsed
in by clicking on Endorsement
Application System (EASy)
Application deadlines for 2023:
- No application deadlines have been set for 2023 as yet. If you would like to apply please contact endorsementwa@aaimh.org.au
If you have any questions or need assistance with your application or using EASy, please contact the Endorsement Coordinator at