Why be endorsed?

IMH Endorsement® is a recognition and credentialing of the professional development and knowledge of service providers who work with children from birth to 36 months and their families

  • within the context of parent-child relationships, and
  • promoting both an understanding of the needs of infants and young children, and of their parents' unique ability to meet those needs.

‘There is little awareness in the community of the work an Occupational Therapist (OT) can do within IMH field. This endorsement which provides a title for the level of practitioner of expertise is invaluable in very clearly identifying that I am not only an OT but also have specialist skills in this IMH field. When working with other allied health professionals in the community, they are able to quickly identify through this endorsement what particular area I work in as an OT…It often opens up a whole new conversation about what IMH is (for those who are unfamiliar to the field or concepts like attachment), what difficulties are seen in families or children who experience IMH related difficulties, and how they can be supported. …. On a personal level, I feel the endorsement gives me more credibility to others of my further education studies and specialisation in the field, as opposed to just being an OT.’ (IMH-E® Occupational Therapist, WA)

Endorsement recognises your professional knowledge, experience and best practice skills. It also:

  • attests to your experience in engaging in reflective supervision
  • provides a road map for professional and developmental growth
  • recognises the importance on continuing education and reflective supervision for services with a high level of quality and integrity
  • improves professional opportunities and advancement potential.

‘The benefits of achieving IMH Endorsement have been manifold and far reaching… IMH Endorsement has afforded me the professional authority in my roles to represent the voice for the infant in many arenas. I have developed links with many colleagues in Western Australia, interstate and internationally who are themselves endorsed or working towards endorsement. This has led to participation in a committed community of Perinatal and Infant Mental Health practice that undertakes work for all infants and young children from pre-birth to age three to ensure their social, emotional and developmental needs are met through stable and nurturing relationships within their family, culture and communities.’ (IMH-E® Clinical Psychotherapist; Reflective Supervisor, WA)