Promote Infant Mental Health

Awareness Week

7-13th June 2021

You can download the following free resources and promote Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 with the people around you.

Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 Posters

Click on the posters below to download

Parent-Infant Foundation UK
website resources

Letter from your baby by Andrew Roberts

What is Infant Mental Health?

All in the MindHow to care for Infant Mental Health, a podcast with Lynne Malcolm interviewing Prof Louise Newman, Sally Watson (former President, AAIMH) and Kathy (mother to Tomas) from May 2016

AAIMH Position Paper “Responding to your baby’s cues” 

Other AAIMH Position Papers are available here

How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development

Starting Smart – how early experiences affect brain development

Zero to Three - Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health 'The foundation of all future development'